Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello, my name is lazy.

 I don't understand why I can never over come my lazy spell to pick up the computer and write three or four paragraphs about my day. It needs to stop. Also, recently I have been super lazy about cleaning my bed room, and bathroom. It has to be the cold weather, which is okay because Autumn is my favorite season.
 Since the season is now considered Autumn, I'm going to color my hair differently to match the season. Currently my hair is brown with a few highlights here and there, and I'm just tired of it. So, in the next few weeks, I will be rocking a mahogany hair color with black low lights and maybe even a solid black bang and a black color block. Maybe I'll gradually color my hair darker with the season. And in winter time, I have a lovely idea for hair, also. I want my hair to be black with a mahogany high light. Which will be completely reversing the whole thing.
 I want to try to keep red hair, it's just so hard to keep from fading. That's why I have come up with a plan to keep my hair red longer. After I put the mahogany on it, I am going to buy a semi-perminate red hair color and I am going to put that on my hair when I start losing the red color. It won't damage the hair at all, it will just brighten up the color and save money in the process. It does a whole lot better than having the color done every couple of weeks and damaging the hair even worse, right?
 Aside from my possible hair colors, with the season change I am soon to start my new job. I start Monday, in fact. I am beyond nervous. It's not a restaurant like I'm used to. Everything will be completely different for me.. I don't know how to handle this, hopefully I will do good! I mean, it can't get no worse than my previous job..right? I certainly hope not.
 After I start working at Burke's, I want to go on a mass diet. Considering I will be out of a pizzeria, I'm sure I can have better self control when it comes to pizza. And who knows, maybe I can give a second try at being a vegetarian? Hopefully it will go better than my last attempt, that was a rough two weeks. Yes, two weeks is all I lasted. I really want to try this time for real, I felt so much healthier...that whole two weeks that I went without eating meat. And, if it doesn't work, then I'll just stop eating red meat.
 That's all that I have to share for now. Hopefully soon, I will get good blog ideas and post more. I want followers! If you're just stopping by, follow me or show the support by adding my button to your page. Thanks!
Jessca Fay.
Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's been a while..

I have neglected my blog lately because I have been the laziest person for the past few weeks. I have no excuse as to why, I just have been. A lot has happened since my last blog, a lot of good writing material.. Such as, I was in my first car accident, that was fun. I was driving home from school and I turned down this road and some guy pulled out in front of me..I JUST got my car (2002 Mercury Sable) and the door is dented in, scratched,  and the mirror is hanging by maybe four wires. My fender is cracked in a little bit, too. As for the other person involved, he just picked up his truck from the body shop and got a brand new paint job on it. He had a few scratches on the side of his truck, way less damage than mine. Although, he wasn't even interested in how much damage my car had until I told him that my step-dad was Chief of Police in that city. After the whole accident, insurance companies were called and since he was at fault for the wreck his insurance is paying for the damage done to my car. He seemed upset, but I guess he should have been watching the road a little bit better, don't ya think?
 Aside all of that, I got a new job! Which is great because Snappy's wasn't giving me the hours that I needed to get to school and back without borrowing money from my parents. My new job will be perfect for me, and I'm so excited to start! I start September 19th. My new job is at Burke's Outlet. Everyone at Snappy's seems to be very supportive of my new job, which makes everything easier. I wasn't as happy at Snappy's, and hopefully I will be happy here. I'm hoping that since I'll be out of a restaurant that maybe it will be easier for me to diet, and maybe try Vegetarian again. 
 My life seems to be getting better each and every day. I've stopped letting things bother me. Such as people that are going to hate, or immaturity that will never seem to stop. School is getting a lot easier for me, too. The girl that was giving me a little bit of problems may be dropping out, which is kind of sad but then again makes things a lot easier on me. Also, a few girls that I went to high school with are now deciding to go to my school and that makes everything a lot better as well.
 My boy friend is perfect as ever. As awkward as it may be to put this on the internet, I am now on my period.. Yes, I said it...period. And what's the one thing that every girl craves on her period? Chocolate...

Today he walks in my house with two items: a cookies and creme Hershey's bar, and a one liter Mountain Dew..
If you're wondering, it was perfection. Chocolate, and a drink that I have been craving for three days. He is perfection. 
 Hopefully, my laziness doesn't take over for another two weeks like it did last time. Tomorrow I'm sure I will be back with a good new update, or whenever I decide to post again..Who knows? Until then..
Jessca Fay

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