Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello, my name is lazy.

 I don't understand why I can never over come my lazy spell to pick up the computer and write three or four paragraphs about my day. It needs to stop. Also, recently I have been super lazy about cleaning my bed room, and bathroom. It has to be the cold weather, which is okay because Autumn is my favorite season.
 Since the season is now considered Autumn, I'm going to color my hair differently to match the season. Currently my hair is brown with a few highlights here and there, and I'm just tired of it. So, in the next few weeks, I will be rocking a mahogany hair color with black low lights and maybe even a solid black bang and a black color block. Maybe I'll gradually color my hair darker with the season. And in winter time, I have a lovely idea for hair, also. I want my hair to be black with a mahogany high light. Which will be completely reversing the whole thing.
 I want to try to keep red hair, it's just so hard to keep from fading. That's why I have come up with a plan to keep my hair red longer. After I put the mahogany on it, I am going to buy a semi-perminate red hair color and I am going to put that on my hair when I start losing the red color. It won't damage the hair at all, it will just brighten up the color and save money in the process. It does a whole lot better than having the color done every couple of weeks and damaging the hair even worse, right?
 Aside from my possible hair colors, with the season change I am soon to start my new job. I start Monday, in fact. I am beyond nervous. It's not a restaurant like I'm used to. Everything will be completely different for me.. I don't know how to handle this, hopefully I will do good! I mean, it can't get no worse than my previous job..right? I certainly hope not.
 After I start working at Burke's, I want to go on a mass diet. Considering I will be out of a pizzeria, I'm sure I can have better self control when it comes to pizza. And who knows, maybe I can give a second try at being a vegetarian? Hopefully it will go better than my last attempt, that was a rough two weeks. Yes, two weeks is all I lasted. I really want to try this time for real, I felt so much healthier...that whole two weeks that I went without eating meat. And, if it doesn't work, then I'll just stop eating red meat.
 That's all that I have to share for now. Hopefully soon, I will get good blog ideas and post more. I want followers! If you're just stopping by, follow me or show the support by adding my button to your page. Thanks!
Jessca Fay.


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