Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How I love blogging..

Recently I have decided to make my new blog just a little bit better. I decided to add two new buttons to my page. I added a button that is my blog title and it will take you directly to my blog, and a button that will take you directly to my facebook..as you will see on the right.Hopefully they are working right. If they are not, message me a let me know. Or, if you would like me to make you one, or help you with codes just email me-jesscafaydanielleposey@gmail.com
 I know that right now I have like one follower-if even that many-but still, hopefully for future reference I will have more followers that will need this post. I may do a tutorial post, if needed. 

 Aside from my excitement from my new made buttons, I'm very happy with my life! Even though I have a few drama issues at school, I love doing hair! I cannot wait until I am on the floor and I can finally do hair, instead of doing a baby dolls hair..that kind of blows. Right now, all I can say about my recent drama issues at school or anywhere else...GROW UP. I'm so tired of people telling me to grow up, when I'm keeping my mouth shut and they're the ones that are acting like they're three. I'm happy with my life, and if no one else likes it then they don't have to stalk my facebook, or blog for that matter. That's why people get deleted on facebook, because they are causing drama that is unnecessary. That's all I have to say about that. :)

Jessca Fay 
Monday, August 22, 2011

But If You Really Want To Live, Why Not Try, And Make Yourself?

 I've come to realize that no matter how badly I feel, Incubus will always make me feel better. Recently, I have had the biggest drama issues and it doesn't make any sense to me at all. I mean, I graduated high school on June 3rd, 2011. That was the day that I decided to leave all my drama behind, but apparently Beauty School is just as bad as high school. It's possibly even worse. Because apparently I copy some chick because I like something that can't be copied? I don't know..how do you copy vintage? Eh, no biggie to me. I won't change myself for one person.  
 Aside from that drama, apparently I can't have my own life. See, for the past year or longer my life has belonged to someone who is completely insane! This person has controlled every single person that I hang out with...that's why we don't really talk that much anymore.
 That was my negativity for the day.. My life isn't just drama, I'm actually a very happy person. I feel like I've mt the person that I've always been looking for. I know I probably shouldn't blog about him, though. I don't want to regret posts..but at this point in my life I'm very happy. He's the type of man that opens the car door for you, and pays for your dinner 95% of the time that we go out. Instead of wanted to lay in my bed all day he actually wants to sit in the living room and talk to my parents. He's the only person I've ever been with that wants to get to know my parents. I love every second of it. We have been together for a month and a half or so, and I can't really think of my life without him...I really actually don't want to.. It's really weird, and soon. I'm happy, and if it happens this soon then hopefully he must be right for me..hopefully <3

 Jessca Fay.
Friday, August 19, 2011

The Chronicles of The Work Place..

  A year ago I signed my soul off to Snappy's Pizza and Pasta. They own me every Sunday, Monday, and whatever other day that my boss, Nick Weber, decides to schedule me. The hours at my job are slim. Everyone that works there is neck and neck for hours. I only work three days a week, and four to five hours a day. That's not as cool as it used to be. Gas is crazy, and so is everything else. It's getting old. I've tried applying at other places but no one is hiring. I just love the economy in the United States.
 Hopefully, soon, I won't have to deal with that. I'm going to Cosmetology school and I am counting down the days until I graduate! I'm tired of this small town, and all the small town people. There's two type of people that I have met at work: The sweet nice type, and the A+ douchbagery type that deserve to be in Guiness. After I graduate school I want to move to a bigger town either Nashville, or Bowling Green. I know, I won't get rid of the douche bags, but anything is better than Horse Cave..anything at all. I want to try to stay in the south, of course. I was born in raised in a smaller town that Horse Cave. What could be smaller than Horse Cave? Pine Knot, Kentucky. McCreary County. One main road, three street lights, and one high school. I lived there until I was 11 then I moved here...I used to love it here...but then I realized that it's not home. Now, I hate it here. I hate just about everything about Horse Cave, and this whole area. My job, my school, even my home has very many down falls. But, in a lot of ways this area is better than McCreary. I know if I was living in my home town, I would be stuck there with no work and no where to go but Somerset, which isn't too much larger. Everything has it's downfalls, and I'm learning that as I'm entering adulthood. And, it sucks.
 Aside from my not too great job, and often homesick feelings...I have happiness in this small town that I'm living in at the moment. About 45 minutes away from my house Cub Run, Kentucky. Cub Run is about 20 minutes out of BFE and 15 minutes past the end of the world...that's not a joke. But the drive is worth it to see Mitchell Bell. What we have was an accident. We met last July at Brianna Blackford's (now West) house. Natalie Toohey was my best friend, and Bree was her best friend. Natalie and I decided to go to Bree's on the last day of our Junior year of high school. Bree's boy friend (now husband), Bret West, was there with his friend Mitchell Bell. Mitchell and I didn't really talk too much at first, we played with Bree and Brets little boy, Taylor, on Brees bed. From there we talked on Facebook every once in a while but it was nothing too serious until I broke up with my boy friend of two years, Thomas Doyle (which I'm sure I will go into that story later). We decided to plan a friend date. I had already talked to a few different boys before I settled for just one boy. I decided that I wanted to go out to eat, and watch the Green Lantern. That night, I knew that Mitchell Bell would be my next boy friend. Now, we have been together a little over a month...And I haven't been any happier with my life as far as that goes. Now, to get more hours at my job or to find a better paying job..my life would be even more perfect than it already is. 

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