Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How I love blogging..

Recently I have decided to make my new blog just a little bit better. I decided to add two new buttons to my page. I added a button that is my blog title and it will take you directly to my blog, and a button that will take you directly to my facebook..as you will see on the right.Hopefully they are working right. If they are not, message me a let me know. Or, if you would like me to make you one, or help you with codes just email me-jesscafaydanielleposey@gmail.com
 I know that right now I have like one follower-if even that many-but still, hopefully for future reference I will have more followers that will need this post. I may do a tutorial post, if needed. 

 Aside from my excitement from my new made buttons, I'm very happy with my life! Even though I have a few drama issues at school, I love doing hair! I cannot wait until I am on the floor and I can finally do hair, instead of doing a baby dolls hair..that kind of blows. Right now, all I can say about my recent drama issues at school or anywhere else...GROW UP. I'm so tired of people telling me to grow up, when I'm keeping my mouth shut and they're the ones that are acting like they're three. I'm happy with my life, and if no one else likes it then they don't have to stalk my facebook, or blog for that matter. That's why people get deleted on facebook, because they are causing drama that is unnecessary. That's all I have to say about that. :)

Jessca Fay 


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